
South Africa has filed an international lawsuit against Israel, accusing it of genocide

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South Africa sues Israel at ICC for "genocide" in Gaza; Israel responds by calling for global opposition and emphasizing its efforts to deliver aid and minimize harm to civilians.

South Africa has filed a lawsuit with the International Criminal Court accusing Israel of "genocide of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip". Israel called on the countries to publicly oppose the lawsuit, UNN reports with reference to Israeli media.

Israel's Foreign Ministry has instructed embassies to pressure diplomats and politicians in host countries to publicly oppose South Africa's lawsuit for "genocide of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip" before the ICC. The related letter states the need to ask foreign diplomats and senior politicians to publicly acknowledge that Israel is working with the international community to increase the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, and to minimize harm to the civilian population. At the same time, it must be constantly reminded that Israel is acting in self-defence following the horrific attack on 7 October by a genocidal terrorist organization.

The letter asserts that the 1948 convention defines genocide as the creation of conditions that prevent the survival of a population and the deliberate intent to destroy it. Therefore, reflecting Israel's efforts to increase the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of the Gaza Strip and reduce the number of civilian deaths is "critical." Jerusalem notes: it is desirable that such statements be made before the hearings begin, i.e., before January 11.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the same request to world leaders. Despite the fact that the Jewish state is not a party to the International Criminal Court and has never assumed its jurisdiction, Jerusalem is concerned about the upcoming process. The court's decision may not only have serious legal consequences, but also affect Israel's bilateral and economic relations with various countries.

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These instructions to diplomats are already bearing the first fruits. Sebastian Fischer, a spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry, said German authorities do not consider what is happening in Gaza to be genocide. "From our point of view, Israel's actions do not fall under the definitions in the convention," Fischer said. Opinions of countries are divided over the lawsuit against Israel at the ICC. Countries that support Palestinian Arabs, notably Turkey and Jordan, have supported the initiative by South Africa, while the U.S. sees it as futile. White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby called South Africa's suit "futile, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in reality".

Lilia Podolyak

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