
Situation in the frontline is under control, the toughest area is in the Pokrovsk sector - General Staff

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Over the past day, 87 combat engagements took place on the frontline, with Russian troops using their superiority in manpower and equipment to increase pressure on Ukrainian positions, but Ukrainian defenders repel attacks and inflict maximum losses on the enemy.

During the current day, May 16, 87 combat engagements took place on the frontline. Russian troops are using their superiority in manpower and equipment to increase pressure on the positions of the Defense Forces. This is stated in the evening report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports .


The situation at the front is difficult but under control. Ukrainian defenders repel occupants' attacks, inflict maximum losses on the enemy

- the General Staff emphasized. 

In the Kharkiv sector, the number of hostile attacks increased to 10. Most of the fighting is taking place in the vicinity of Liptsy and Vovchansk. Despite the losses of personnel and military equipment, the enemy, with the support of aviation, is trying to put pressure on our defense.

The occupants launched 32 air strikes using 38 combat aircraft, and made 181 artillery attacks. The units of the Defense Forces are holding the line and preventing the invaders from advancing into the depths of our territory. 

Напрямку Вовчанська вдалося додати впевненості, але загрози є - Зеленський16.05.24, 20:14

In the Kupyansk sector, Russian occupation forces continue to attack in the areas of Synkivka, Ivanivka and Berestove. Another combat engagement took place near Myasozharivka.

In the Liman direction, the occupiers tried to break through the defense of our defenders eight times. 

In the Northern sector, Russian occupants conducted an air strike near Spirne.

In the Pokrovsk sector the situation remains the hottest at the moment. The number of combat engagements increased to 35. At the same time, Ukrainian soldiers continue to inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces and deter the enemy with their decisive actions.

In the Kurakhove sector, Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repelled 12 enemy attacks. The occupants are concentrating their efforts in the areas of Heorhiivka, Novomykhailivka and Krasnohorivka. Yelizavetivka came under attack from enemy aircraft.

In the Vremivsk sector, the enemy has increased the number of combat engagements to eight since the beginning of the day. In particular, fighting took place near Staromayorsk, Mykilske and Urozhayne.  

У північній частині Вовчанська російські військові беруть цивільних у полон, відомо про перші розстріли - МВС16.05.24, 13:00

In the Prydniprovsky sector, the aggressor also attacked Ukrainian troops eight times near Krynky today. The attacks were unsuccessful, and information on occupants' losses is being clarified.

There were no significant changes in the situation in the Kramatorsk, Toretsk, Huliaypillia and Orikhivsk sectors. 

During the day, the aviation and missile forces of the Defense Forces struck 12 areas of concentration of personnel, two command posts, two artillery units, and a UAV control center of the Russian occupiers

- the General Staff summarizes. 


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned that Russia is trying to expand the warunder the guise of claims of peace. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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