
She has already started chemotherapy and is likely to lose weight: The media reported details about Kate Middleton's health condition

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Princess Kate Middleton of Wales, who is battling cancer, has already started chemotherapy and is suffering from hair loss and weight loss as side effects, media reports say.

Princess Kate Middleton of Wales, who is battling cancer, has already started chemotherapy. Marca , citing sources, reports that Kate Middleton is suffering from hair loss and weight loss, UNN reports.

"Kate Middleton is suffering from hair loss and weight loss as she battles cancer," the report said.

Earlier, the Princess of Wales made the diagnosis public and called for respect for her privacy.

"Kate and William are going through hell outside the palace walls," a senior royal courtier told the National Enquirer. The source added that the royal couple is going to "go to great lengths" to hide the disease from their three children.

У Кейт Міддлтон діагностували рак. Принцеса Уельська перебуває на ранніх стадіях лікування22.03.24, 20:19

However, according to the insider, it is also becoming harder to hide the news from Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.


The publication also notes that Prince William has now taken on more responsibilities than ever to make sure he can take care of his wife.

He has ensured that he puts family before duty wherever he can, and that has not changed, according to a royal source.

"He's trying to be a supportive person (to Kate) while taking care of the kids and continuing to fulfill his job responsibilities," the insider added. "This is uncharted territory for both of them.

"He's cutting back on travel and doing more remote tasks, making it clear that Kate and the kids come first.

Принц Вільям поділився новинами про Кейт Міддлтон на тлі її боротьби з хворобою01.05.24, 15:33

Antonina Tumanova

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