
Severe flooding in Sevastopol: flooded road in the area of Skelskaya cave

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In the temporarily occupied Crimea flooded the road in the area of Skelskaya cave, which is in Sevastopol. About this report local residents, reports UNN.

A section of the road Rodnikovoye - Kolkhoznoye, near the Skelskaya cave, flooded in Sevastopol

- according to local wire services.


In one night in Sevastopol fell a third of the monthly norm of precipitation, which led to significant waterlogging and the evacuation of four people. rossmedia wrote that the water "filled the streets of the city and turned them into rivers".

It was also reportedthat heavy rains have disrupted transportation and only trucks and SUVs can navigate the flooded streets of the city.

Tatiana Salganik



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