
Seoul may provide lethal weapons to Ukraine if russia deepens military cooperation with South Korea

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South Korea can provide Ukraine with lethal weapons if russia strengthens military cooperation with North Korea, in particular, transfers high-precision weapons.

South Korea will have no restrictions on its support for Ukraine if russia transfers high-precision weapons to North Korea. This was stated by South Korean National Security Advisor Chan Ho-jin during a speech on television, UNN reports citing Yonhap.


According to Chang, South Korea may consider providing lethal weapons to Ukraine if russia crosses the red line. In particular, it will start supplying high-precision weapons to North Korea.

I would like to emphasize that everything depends on what Russia will do. Will we still have some limit if russia gives high-precision weapons to North Korea?

Chang said.

Chang stressed that not only South Korea, but also russia should work to improve bilateral relations.

If they want to restore and move forward Korean-russian relations, I would like to emphasize once again that the russian side should think carefully

he said.


South Korea has announced a possible review of its policy of not providing weapons to Ukraine after president putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement that includes commitments to mutual defense and cooperation in the field of military technology.

putin warned that any attempt by Seoul to supply weapons to Ukraine would be a "very big mistake.


The United States and Vietnam discussed ways to develop a strategic partnership at a meeting that took place after russian president putin's visit to Vietnam.

Блінкен подякував Південній Кореї за підтримку України22.06.24, 14:22

Iryna Kolesnik



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