
Security Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: Media disclosed details of the draft document

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The European Union and Ukraine intend to sign a draft security agreement during the EU leaders' summit in Brussels on June 27, which provides for long-term military, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine, including provisions for future aggression.

Radio Liberty has gained access to a draft security agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, which the Ukrainian president and the president of the EU Council may sign in Brussels during the EU leaders' summit on June 27. This was reported by a Radio Liberty correspondent in Brussels, citing a European diplomat who is not authorized to comment to the media, UNN reports.

The draft agreement contains references to previously approved programs of financial and military support for Ukraine, including 50 billion euros in the EU budget for 2024-2027 under the Ukraine Facility program; funds to reimburse EU countries for weapons provided to Ukraine from the European Peace Fund; five billion for weapons from the Ukraine Assistance Fund and profits from frozen Russian assets.

"The European Union's security commitments include predictable, long-term and sustainable support for the security and defense of Ukraine, in particular through the Common Security and Defense Policy missions, as well as broader security commitments," the draft agreement says.

The document has two main sections on security guarantees, each with nine points. The first section focuses on defense issues and deals with stable and long-term supply of military equipment, military training and defense reform, cooperation between the defense industries of Ukraine and the EU, cybersecurity, intelligence sharing, etc.

Цього тижня Зеленський відвідає саміт ЄС, де Україна підпише безпекову угоду з Євросоюзом - ЗМІ24.06.24, 18:39

The second section refers to broader commitments, including "the future of Ukraine and its citizens in the European Union," demining and rebuilding Ukraine, continuing support for Ukrainian refugees, maintaining and strengthening anti-Russian sanctions, creating a special tribunal for Russian political elite, and so on.

"Security, resilience, and defense support, as well as macro-financial, humanitarian, reconstruction, and reform assistance, will reinforce each other," the draft document says.

A separate section of the agreement outlines an action plan in case of future aggression. In particular, it refers to urgent consultations to be held within a day.

"The European Union and Ukraine will quickly identify appropriate next steps in line with these commitments, without prejudice to the specific nature of the security and defense policies of individual Member States," the nine-page document states.

European ministers are to approve the text of the security agreement between Ukraine and the EU at a meeting of the EU General Affairs Council to be held on June 25 in Luxembourg.

Дасть старт переговорам про членство: завтра у Люксембурзі відбудеться перша міжурядова конференція Україна-ЄС24.06.24, 15:34

Antonina Tumanova



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