
Scholz acknowledged that the ratings of Germany's ruling parties have declined due to pro-russian sentiment in the eastern regions of the country

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz explains the ruling coalition's low ratings by the pro-Russian sentiment of some German citizens and disagreement with support for Ukraine and the introduction of sanctions against Russia, but the government will not change its position on russian aggression against Ukraine.

The Chancellor of Nimechini, Olaf Scholz, has introduced the pro-russian attitude of Chastain gromadyan Nimechini as the reason for the low ratings of the ruling coalition of the FRN. About the whole thing, having told the traditional lit inter to the ARD TV channel, pish UNN z posilannam on Tagesschau.


Scholz said that the German government's policy of supporting Ukraine is one of the reasons for the decline in the popularity of the ruling coalition in the east of the country. He said that the results of opinion polls reflect the position of citizens who do not agree that Germany supports Ukraine and imposed sanctions on the russian federation for unleashing a war against Ukraine.

At the same time, the government will not reconsider its position on russian aggression against Ukraine.

It is true that there are many citizens who do not agree with our support for Kiev. They also disagree with the sanctions we have imposed on russia. This is also reflected in the election results, but in my opinion, there is no alternative to change this right now

Scholz said.

The chancellor once again stressed that russia is waging a "classic war of conquest" in Ukraine and violated the "multi-year agreement" on the inviolability of the neighboring country.

It was russia that attacked Ukraine, and that its war of conquest is an attempt to change the map. The agreement on non-movement of borders by force was canceled by the russian federation

the Chancellor reminded him.

At the same time, Scholz stressed that he continues to advocate "prudence" and the search for a peaceful way to end the war, which would not lead to the surrender of Ukraine. Among the initiatives on this path, the German Chancellor noted the last Peace Summit in Switzerland, which can bring possible negotiations closer.

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Anastasia Ryabokon

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