
Russians strengthen the coast guard in the occupied Crimea and increase the number of radars - “ATESH”

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Ukrainian guerrillas report strengthening the coast guard in the occupied Crimea. Military boats are patrolling around the clock, and mobile radar stations are being installed on ships.

Russian occupation forces in Crimea are strengthening the coast guard. In addition, ships are increasingly equipped with mobile radars. This was stated by Ukrainian guerrillas from the underground movement "ATESH", UNN reports .


Partisans conducted reconnaissance of the coast and bays of Sevastopol. It was found that the bays are almost empty, most ships have left the Crimean ports and only occasionally appear in local waters.

Nevertheless, the coast guard has been reinforced with military boats that conduct round-the-clock patrols, actively monitoring the possible appearance of unmanned boats in coastal waters. Instead of air defense systems, ships are actively deploying mobile radars to protect the entire peninsula, which are also disclosed by our agents

- told in “ATESH”

Агенти АТЕШ виявили спецтехніку зс рф і місця стоянки РХБЗ в окупованому Криму22.08.24, 13:47


In the summer, the ATES guerrillas claimed that Russians were increasing the number of defensive positions along the coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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