
Russians shelled Sumy region 28 times, five communities came under fire

 • 45055 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled Sumy region in Ukraine 28 times, causing 158 explosions. Five settlements were shelled with artillery, mortars, grenade launchers, drones and cluster munitions.

The Russian military fired 28 times at the border of Sumy region on Tuesday, January 23. Residents of five communities came under enemy fire. A total of 158 explosions were heard there. This was reported in the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

During the day, Russians fired 28 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 158 explosions were recorded. The Yunakivska, Bilopilska, Krasnopilska, Velykopysarivska, and Sveska communities were shelled.

- said the Sumy Regional Military Administration.


According to the regional military administration, the occupiers shelled the region with artillery, mortars, grenade launchers, FPV drones, and dropped several times with UAVs and used cluster munitions. Namely:

Velykopysarivska community: explosive ordnance was dropped by UAV (4 explosions), mortar shelling (24 explosions) and shelling with cluster munitions (6 explosions).

Bilopilska community: mortar shelling (45 explosions), FPV drones (2 explosions), AGS grenade launchers (29 explosions) and artillery (9 explosions) were recorded.

Окупанти вдарили по Харкову ракетами С-300, серед поранених 4-річна дитина - поліція23.01.24, 23:35

Krasnopilska community: the enemy fired from mortars (9 explosions), LPG grenade launchers (4 explosions), artillery (5 explosions), and dropped an explosive ordnance with a UAV (2 explosions). There was also a hit by an FPV drone (1 explosion).

Sveska community: Russians attacked with artillery (2 explosions).

Yunakivska community: mortar shelling (11 explosions) and artillery shelling (5 explosions) were carried out.

Сили ППО збили 22 з 44 ракет пущених з рф – уточнення від Генштабу23.01.24, 23:19


In the morning, the Russian army launched a missile attack on critical infrastructure in Shostka, Sumy region.

Tatiana Salganik



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