
Russians launch a missile attack on the center of Kurakhove in Donetsk region at night

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Russian missiles hit Kurakhove, damaging a kindergarten, a school, a health center, a cafe, and residential buildings; no civilian casualties were reported.

Russian troops launched a rocket attack on the center of Kurakhove in Donetsk region at night, destroying a kindergarten and a school, said Vadym Filashkin, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

The center of Kurakhove is under rocket attack. Around midnight, Russians fired missiles at the town, destroying a kindergarten, a school, a health center, and a coffee shop. In addition, numerous high-rise buildings were damaged

- Filashkin wrote on Telegram.

According to preliminary information, he said, there were no civilian casualties.

All the circumstances and consequences of the attack are being established, he said.

За фактом поранення п'ятьох працівників ТЕС у Кураховому розпочато розслідування23.12.23, 20:27

Julia Shramko



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