
Russians have started equipping K-52 helicopters with long-range missiles: what is known

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The Russian army has begun equipping its Ka-52 attack helicopters with long-range missiles such as The X-35, x-38 and X-39, although they are probably still in the testing stage.

the Russian army has begun equipping its K-52 attack helicopters with long-range missiles. In particular, we can talk about missiles X-35, x-38, X-39. This is reported by Defense Express, writes UNN.

At the same time, the publication notes that equipping Russian helicopters with new missiles is not yet a mass phenomenon, but, most likely, occurs at the level of testing.

As writes, Defense Express in the Russian Federation did declare the suspension for Ka-52 for long-range missiles. In particular, it was about the X-35 anti-ship missiles weighing 610 kilograms. 

In addition to The X-35, the Ka-52 allegedly integrated the X-38, a supersonic missile with a range of 40 km and a warhead weight of 250 kg with a total missile mass of 520 kg.

We can also talk about the X-39 missiles, which the Russian Army adopted in the fall of 2022.

The publication notes that theoretically the K-52 can be carriers of long-range missiles X - 59 and x-69. but provided that the wing design can withstand about 900 kilograms, and the rocket itself-vibrations, which are a huge problem on the Ka-52.


Director of the Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations Alexander Ruvin earlier told about the features of the x-69 rocket.

"The x-69 air − launched missile is the result of the X-59MK2 modification, its launch can take place from fighters and bombers, and the range of carrier aircraft is large. This type of weapon has been used more massively by the enemy on the territory of Ukraine since 2023. A characteristic feature of the" x-69 " is the square cross-section of the body. In addition, the modified version has changed the range of Use, flight speed, and warhead.

A mandatory stage of our expert research was the analysis of the materials of the missile body, as well as a specific foil placed under the outer skin of the warhead and probably allows when hitting striking elements or any other high-speed elements to lead to an air explosion of the missile," Ruvin said.

Lilia Podolyak



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