
russians dismantle mines in the occupied Luhansk region

 • 46230 переглядiв

The occupiers are dismantling equipment from two coal mines in Luhansk region and taking it to russia.

russian occupants have started dismantling coal mines in Luhansk region. This was reported by the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration Artem Lysogor, UNN reports .


In the Luhansk region, the process of dismantling the Chervonyi Partizan and Dovzhanska Kapitalna coal mines at Dovzhansk enterprises is underway.

According to the information, the equipment is being dismantled on the instructions of the new investors, and all the loot is being taken to russia.

According to the decision of the so-called "government of the lPR," they transfer the mines for nothing and without competitive bidding. In other words, they choose who they want to destroy the industry

- Artem Lysogor said.

Луганщина: ворог посилив авіаційний вплив по всій ділянці фронту - ОВА29.02.24, 10:30

Julia Kotvitskaya



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