
Russians are creating fake universities in the temporarily occupied Mariupol - Resistance

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On the basis of the destroyed Azov Maritime Institute in the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Russians have created a new "university". This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.

On the basis of the destroyed Azov Maritime Institute in the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Russians created a new "university". The opening of the institution was timed to coincide with the so-called reunification with Russia. They plan to enroll at least 1,500 students. However, the diploma of this "institute" is not recognized in Ukraine or in most countries,

- the statement said.


It is noted that such "universities" operate according to Russian educational standards, imposing propaganda narratives and trying to create the illusion of normal life under occupation. However, graduates of such institutions find themselves in isolation, as their diplomas have virtually no legal force  outside of Russia.

The National Resistance Center once again draws attention to the fact that the creation of pseudo-universities is part of Russia's broader strategy of disinformation and militarization of young people, aimed at depriving people in the occupied territories of the opportunity to receive a real education and integrate into the world community,

- summarized in the CNS.

Маріуполь став центром вивезення викрадених українських ресурсів - Спротив04.10.24, 04:08


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