
russians again use prohibited ammunition against Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Tauride sector - Stupun

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The enemy continues to violate the rules of warfare and use ammunition with toxic chemical agents. Five such discharges were recorded yesterday.

Yesterday, the enemy used poisonous ammunition against Ukrainian troops in the Tavria sector. These were probably K-51 grenades with chloropicrin. This was reported by the spokesman of the joint press center of the Tauride Defense Forces Oleksandr Stupun, UNN reports.

The enemy continues to violate the rules of warfare and use ammunition with toxic chemical agents. Yesterday 5 such discharges were recorded. These are probably K-51 grenades with chlorpicrin. Each such case is investigated separately and then submitted to international institutions

- Stupun said.

He said that the grenades did not hit the dugouts, and the soldiers were protected from the poisonous effects of chloropicrin by wearing gas masks.


Chloropicrin is a colorless substance with a pungent odor. On contact with the body, it causes inflammation of the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract, and acts as a tear gas. Chloropicrin also poisons water and food. In large quantities, it can lead to death. In addition, when exposed to fire, chloropicrin can turn into the chemical warfare agent phosgene.

Генштаб: рф з початку широкомасштабної війни здійснила 626 хімічних атак13.01.24, 18:48

According to the Chemical Weapons Convention, chloropicrin is prohibited for military use.


Cases of the use of chemical weapons by the russian military in 2023 were recorded on the Svatove and Bakhmut directions. Currently, the russian Armed Forces are using a new development of gas grenades RG-VO using chloroacetophenone in combat operations.

Thus, russia continues to lie about fulfilling its obligations under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.

На Таврійському напрямку знищено російський "Бук", ворог відновив авіаудари - Транавський30.01.24, 13:00

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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