
russian occupiers are preparing a propaganda textbook on the "history of novorossia" to justify russian aggression

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The invaders are preparing a textbook on the "history of novorossia" to justify the annexation of Ukrainian lands and promote the idea of a separate russian civilization in these territories, rejecting historical evidence of other peoples and Ukraine's national identity.

The invaders are preparing a textbook for schools on the "history of novorossiya". This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports.


According to the information, the russian occupation authorities are developing a textbook on the history of the so-called "novorossia" that should justify the annexation of Ukrainian lands. The publication promises to promote the thesis that a separate russian civilization has existed in these territories "from ancient times to the present day," rejecting historical evidence of the presence of other peoples in the region.

The textbook is expected to contain elements of propaganda similar to the methods of the Nazi regime, aimed at denying the existence and rights of national minorities and neighboring states. At the same time, russian teachers and teachers in the temporarily occupied territories are being trained to include in their curricula courses on the "basics of russian statehood" that promote anti-Western rhetoric and reject the existence of Ukraine's individual national identity.

Загарбники на ТОТ зганяють бюджетників на перегляд пропагандистських фільмів - Центр спротиву16.05.24, 14:54

Julia Kotvitskaya



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