
Russian attack on Pokrovsk district on January 6: law enforcement identifies 7 dead

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Seven more victims of the Russian missile attack on Pokrovsk district on January 6 have been identified. The attack killed 11 people, including 5 children.

Police have identified 7 people killed in Pokrovsk and Rivne in a Russian missile attack on Pokrovsk district on January 6. Investigators and forensic experts continue to examine the body fragments recovered at the sites of the missile attack. UNN reports this with reference to the police of Donetsk region. 


Law enforcement officers have so far been able to identify the person:

  •  of the four people killed  in Rivne - a three-year-old girl, her father and mother, aged 32 and 30, and a 59-year-old grandmother;
  • three in Pokrovsk - a 34-year-old man and two women aged 37 and 39.

The identification is ongoing. The police have to identify 4 more victims.


On January 6, the Russian army attacked Pokrovsk district with S-300 missiles,  11 people were killed, including 5 children.   In Pokrovsk, a hospital was hit by a missile attackwhere an operation was underway at the time.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacted to Russia's deadly strike on the Pokrovsk district: "Every manifestation of Russian terror will be met with our adequate response.

росія застосувала кілька ракет з КНДР під час атаки на Україну 6 січня - Білий дім10.01.24, 08:43

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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