
russia is recruiting illegal migrants for the war against Ukraine: 30 thousand people are involved

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The terrorist country is recruiting about 30,000 illegal migrants, promising them russian citizenship in exchange for participation in the war against Ukraine.

The terrorist country is actively recruiting illegal migrants to participate in the war against Ukraine, promising them russian citizenship. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


According to reports, the kremlin is trying to reduce social tensions in Russia by recruiting illegal migrants to join the war of aggression against Ukraine.

According to the latest reports, the "russians" managed to attract about 30,000 illegal migrants to join them, promising them russian citizenship in exchange for participation in the war. However, it is highly likely that most of these people who hoped to obtain new citizenship will become victims of the war in Ukraine.

За 2,2 тис. доларів зарплати і російський паспорт: як рф вербує іноземців на війну з Україною15.04.24, 16:13

Julia Kotvitskaya



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