
Russia has decided to strengthen the border with FSB border guards - DIU

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According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Russia wants to strengthen the border with Ukraine with the help of the FSB border guards. This information was revealed in an intercepted telephone conversation between two Russian servicemen.

Moscow has decided to reinforce the border with Ukraine with FSB border guards, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported, UNN reports.


"The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine informs that detachments are being formed in Russia from the personnel of the FSB border service units to strengthen border security. The formed units are planned to be deployed in the border areas in Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions," the intelligence service said on Telegram.

According to the DIU, the relevant intentions of the aggressor state are evidenced by an intercepted telephone conversation of January 25, 2024, between two Russian invaders serving in the territory of occupied Abkhazia.

"In a dialogue between the personnel officer of the Sukhumi border guard detachment, Captain Yusibov, and Warrant Officer Zimskov, who serves at the border outpost in Ochamchire, they talked about forming lists to be sent to the Russian-Ukrainian border "permanently," the intelligence service said.

"We live one day at a time, no one has any prospects," the FSB border guard stated doomedly, according to the DIU.

Наєв показав, як проходять тренування контрдиверсійних груп на півночі26.01.24, 09:30

Julia Shramko



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