
Results of research on Russia's recent massive strikes should also become an evidence base for the International Criminal Court - Ruvin

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The results of research on Russia's recent massive strikes should also serve as an evidence base for the International Criminal Court, said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

After all the studies of the consequences of the recent massive enemy missile strikes on Ukraine are completed, their results should also become the evidence base for the International Criminal Court to bring Russia to justice for its crimes. This was stated by Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, in a commentary to UNN.

According to him, the experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise are doing everything possible to ensure that the evidence base against Russia is reliable.

"Everyone knows that Russia is a terrorist country, it attacks our civilians and critical infrastructure, killing civilians. At the same time, we need a reliable evidence base to ensure that these actions do not go unpunished. Ukrainian experts are doing their best to provide law enforcement agencies with the most complete information on each case, and unfortunately, there are many of them. These include hits on residential buildings, attacks on energy facilities, Ukraine's port infrastructure and other cases. Our cooperation with the experts and prosecutors of the International Criminal Court allows the latter to see the consequences of the aggressor's actions with their own eyes and draw their own unbiased conclusions.

We feel the support of our foreign partners in our efforts to bring the aggressor country, Russia, to justice in accordance with national and international law. Of course, we always want this support to be even more active and tangible. However, we are united in the belief that the criminals must be held accountable for the war against Ukraine and other more serious crimes against the Ukrainian people, as well as for the enormous damage caused by the war," Ruvin said.

He reminded that since the beginning of the war, the Institute has become a center where Ukrainian and international experts work closely together.

"Since the beginning of the war, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise has become a kind of center where Ukrainian and foreign experts work and coordinate their work to ensure the most effective expert support in the context of investigations of Russian crimes committed against Ukraine.

We closely cooperate with the International Criminal Court, whose field office in Ukraine is the largest of its offices outside The Hague. In addition, our experts are constantly in touch with foreign partners and exchange experience within the framework of our membership in the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes.

In 2017, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise became the first expert institution of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to become a full member of ENFSI. This allowed the conclusions of the experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise to be accepted by European colleagues without restrictions, which is especially important now in the context of war," added the Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

У 2023 році фахівці КНДІСЕ провели 30 тисяч експертиз за фактами російської агресії проти України, які стануть доказами для Міжнародного кримінального суду – Олександр Рувін22.12.23, 12:17

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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