
Rada sends back draft law on liability for corruption for revision: it aims to bring Ukraine closer to the OECD

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The Verkhovna Rada did not support in the first reading the draft law No. 11443 on the liability of legal entities for corruption offenses, it was sent for revision, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"The Verkhovna Rada did not approve in the first reading (#11443) the draft law on bringing legal entities' liability for corruption-related criminal offenses in line with international standards Only 214 voted in favor of the basis. Sent to the subject of the initiative for revision (230). This is an important step that brings us closer to OECD membership.... but as it is," Zheleznyak wrote.

According to the Verkhovna Rada, the legislative initiative proposes to amend the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts, which provide, inter alia, for th

- grounds for applying criminal legal measures to a legal entity regardless of bringing an individual to criminal liability;

- rules for the application of criminal law measures and restrictions on the liquidation of legal entities under a special procedure;

- the possibility of applying a special confiscation on the basis of a decision to apply criminal law measures to a legal entity and cases of applying a special confiscation on such a basis.

Рада підтримала законопроєкт, який дозволяє призначати менший строк ув’язнення у випадку співпраці зі слідством09.10.24, 12:23


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