
putin summons reservists for military training

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russian president vladimir putin has signed a decree to call up citizens in the reserve for military training in 2024.

russian president vladimir putin has signed a decree on the conscription of citizens in the reserve for military training in 2024. russian media reported this with reference to the kremlin, UNN wrote.


According to the document, signed on March 1, citizens in the reserve are subject to conscription for military training in the armed forces, the National Guard, rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, state security agencies and the FSB. The Decree entered into force upon publication.

At the same time , out of the five points of the decree, two points, #2-3, are classified as "for official use only.

"рф явно розширює війну": в ОП зробили заяву на тлі виступу путіна29.02.24, 21:13


Last year , russian president vladimir putin signed a decree establishing the authorized strength of the russian armed forces at 2,209,130 people, including 1,320,000 military personnel.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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