
Prosecutor General Kostin makes statement on air strike on Kharkiv

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Prosecutor General Kostin called for weapons to be provided to Ukraine and restrictions on their use to protect citizens lifted after Russia committed another war crime by shelling a civilian shopping center in Kharkiv.

The world should not tolerate acts of terror. Ukraine needs weapons and the lifting of restrictions on their use to protect our citizens. Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin wrote about the air strike on Kharkiv, UNN reports .


He emphasized that Russia has committed yet another horrific war crime - the shelling of a shopping center in Kharkiv. This is a civilian facility that was visited by many civilians over the weekend.

According to him, there could have been up to 200 visitors inside. Currently, at least 11 people are not in touch. Emergency services, prosecutors, and investigators are working at the scene.

The world should not tolerate such acts of terror. Supporting Ukraine does not mean fighting in our place. We are determined to stop the terrorist state. To do so, we need weapons and the lifting of restrictions on their use to protect our citizens. I call on all our partners to help lift these restrictions, which will allow us to prevent new crimes by the aggressor.

Kostin wrote

Prosecutors continue to work at the scene of another Russian terror against civilians.

A pre-trial investigation into the air strike was initiated under the article on violation of the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office will provide procedural guidance in the criminal proceedings.

Кількість загиблих через удар по "Епіцентру" в Харкові зросла до шести25.05.24, 23:10

Lilia Podolyak



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