
President of Finland on the war in Ukraine: "The only way to achieve peace is on the battlefield"

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President of Finland Alexander Stubb said that the only way to achieve peace in Ukraine is on the battlefield, as Russian President Vladimir Putin understands only the language of force.

Russian President Vladimir Putin understands only the language of force, so the only way to achieve peace in Ukraine is on the battlefield. This was stated by President of Finland Alexander Stubb in an interview with CNN, reports UNN

"I participated in peace mediation. Of course, when you mediate, it starts with dialogue, and after the dialogue, you start setting parameters. But I think in this particular case, the cold truth is that the only way to achieve peace is on the battlefield.  The only thing that Vladimir Putin understands is force," the Finnish president said.

He also pointed out that "it is necessary that at some point the paths meet. But I don't know when the conditions will be right for that." 

Stubb noted that Finland currently has absolutely no political dialog with Russia. "I don't think we can, and I don't think we should," the Finnish president said.

Системи ППО та боєзапаси: Фінляндія оголосила про новий пакет допомоги Україні03.04.24, 15:25


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