
Polish farmers will start a large-scale protest due to increased competition from Ukraine

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Polish farmers are planning a large-scale protest against problems in the agricultural sector and the influx of Ukrainian agricultural imports.

Farmers in Poland have announced a large-scale protest against the deteriorating situation in the agricultural sector and the influx of agricultural imports from Ukraine. This was reported by Rolnik info, according to UNN.

We are fighting for family farms to be able to work at all. We cannot compete with Ukraine, so we expect, among other things, to introduce quotas that existed before the war. Ukrainian grain should go where it belongs - to the Asian or African markets, not to Europe 

- said Adrian Wawrzyniak, a representative of the agricultural organization Solidarnośc.


On January 24, a farmers' rally will begin on Polish roads at 12:00. About 300 people and several dozen vehicles are expected to participate.

The organizers emphasize that the protest aims to oppose the Green Deal policy, the delay in direct payments due to eco-schemes, the lack of profitability of agricultural production, and the ban on free imports of agricultural products from Ukraine.

Румунські фермери, які блокують кордон з Україною, мають переважно внутрішні вимоги до свого уряду - Сольський18.01.24, 14:43

Anna Onishchenko



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