
People-Titans: KOZAK SYSTEM together with MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation will continue their tour of military hospitals

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A documentary video about the tour of moral and psychological support to military hospitals by the Ukrainian band KOZAK SYSTEM, which the musicians organized together with the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation, has been posted on social media. In the video, the vocalist, Ivan Lenyo, and other musicians talk about the motivation for performing for wounded soldiers, about their difference between performing for their comrades near the front line and the importance of emotional support for the defenders, UNN reports

Rehabilitation and treatment in medical facilities is a difficult stage for defenders. In hospitals, soldiers are far from their families, comrades-in-arms and combat missions, often without the necessary moral support to recover.

In order to support our defenders in hospitals, the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation together with the Ukrainian band KOZAK SYSTEM organized a tour of military hospitals called "People-Titans" in the winter of 2024. As part of the tour, the musicians visited 5 military hospitals in Khmelnytskyi, Truskavets, Vinnytsia, Dnipro and Cherkasy with the support of philanthropists.

"Often, there is almost no attention to those who are treated in hospitals. Yesterday, they were honored and thanked for their defense, but today, here in hospitals, they are for some reason in the background. That's how we came up with the idea to visit military hospitals and support our defenders who are undergoing treatment," said Ivan Lenyo, lead singer of the Kozak System band.

The tour of military hospitals was symbolically named after one of the new songs by the band People-Titans. The meetings that take place during the tour have a special format: they are not classical performances or concerts, but rather creative meetings where the main focus is on dialogue and feedback.

"With this tour, we demonstrate that we appreciate the military not only on the front line, but also when they are particularly vulnerable - during rehabilitation, treatment, and adaptation to civilian life. Therefore, an important task of such creative meetings is that the soloist speaks to the audience not only through music. Such meetings resonate: we have seen the military singing, reciting poetry, and most importantly, releasing their emotions," says Tatyana Volochay, director of the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation.

"It is difficult for the guys and girls who returned to experience positive emotions. But it is not up to them to figure out how to move on and adapt to civilian reality. On the contrary, society should do everything to make their return comfortable. Such meetings help with adaptation," emphasizes Hanna Zyuzkova, a psychologist with combat experience at the rehabilitation unit and a combatant.

The first tour of military hospitals received a wave of positive feedback from both the military and the medical staff, who also need moral support. Therefore, the presentation of the documentary video about the tour was an announcement of the next visits to hospitals, which the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation together with KOZAK SYSTEM planned in Lviv, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Chernihiv and Kharkiv.

You can download the video here.


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