
Organizing a referendum for the occupiers: another collaborator detained in Kherson region

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Law enforcers arrested a woman who organized an illegal referendum for the Kremlin during the russian occupation of Kherson. She faces up to 10 years in prison for collaborating with the occupiers.

In Kherson region, law enforcement officers detained a woman who organized the kremlin's illegal referendum during the occupation of the region. This was reported by the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The defendant was a resident of the village of Dudchany, Beryslav district. After the occupation of the community, she voluntarily joined the local russian "election committee".

For cooperation with the invaders, their accomplice received a one-time cash "reward" of 50 thousand russian rubles and the "privilege" of free movement in the area.

SBU officers tracked down the criminal and detained her in the course of stabilization measures in the de-occupied territory of Kherson region.

Based on the evidence collected, the SBU officers served the suspect a notice of suspicion under Part 2 Art. 28, Part 5 Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy)

- the agency summarized.

She is currently in custody. The investigation is ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crime. The offender faces up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.


Investigators found that, while in the ranks of the pseudo-organization, the woman agitated her fellow villagers to "vote for the region's accession" to Russia.

To collect signatures, she took racist ballots with her and went around the yards accompanied by armed invaders.

In case of refusal to participate in the pseudo-referendum, people were threatened with imprisonment and confiscation of property.

In addition, during the fake plebiscite, the collaborator took part in campaigning events that praised the criminal activities of Gauleiter Saldo.


A collaborator was detained in Kherson , who forced people to take Russian passports during the occupation and threatened local residents with the cancellation of benefits.

На Донеччині затримано жінку, яка "полювала" на бронетехніку ЗСУ під Бахмутом23.01.24, 11:07

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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