
On Poroshenko's birthday, 10 of his biggest failures were published

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During his entire tenure in public office, Petro Oleksiyovych did everything possible to make Ukraine completely unprepared for Putin's invasion: with a looted army, destroyed volunteer battalions, Russian language and church, and a weak economy, - political expert Petro Oleshchuk published the most significant facts from Poroshenko's biography on his 59th birthday, UNN reports.

In particular, the expert ironically recalled 10 facts about the leader of Eurosolidarity. Among them: the creation of the SDPU (O) together with Medvedchuk, work as Minister of Economy and Foreign Affairs in the Azarov-Yanukovych government, the destruction of volunteer battalions, the failed Wall project, robbing the army together with the Svynarchuks, and embezzlement of funds from defense facilities.

In addition to the army, the expert named Poroshenko's failures in other areas.

"Language! The mighty Russian language will not perish in Ukraine as long as Petro Oleksiyovych speaks it and his children wear T-shirts with the inscription Russia. Faith: To please Viktor Fedorovich, Poroshenko, a parishioner of the Russian Orthodox Church, joined the section of sextons of the Russian Orthodox Church and led religious processions," Oleshchuk writes.

Other accusations against Poroshenko include a gas pipeline business with Putin, enrichment 20 times during the war and being one of the top three oligarchs, and coal trade with terrorists from the ORDLO.

"In the end, this led to the horde attacking. At some point, Putin thought he had Ukraine in his pocket. Just like he had a gray-haired hypocritical huckster in his pocket all these years. The latter is celebrating today. Who knows, maybe Putin will congratulate him. He has always congratulated him," Oleshchuk summarizes Poroshenko's achievements.

Lilia Podolyak



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