
Occupants dropped about 250 bombs on Avdiivka in two weeks of 2024 - RMA

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In the first two weeks of 2024, 250 air strikes were carried out on Avdiivka, which indicates an increase in shelling compared to 2023.

In the new year, the enemy increased the number of attacks on Avdiivka in Donetsk region. In the first two weeks of 2024, the occupiers dropped about 250 aircraft bombs on the city. This was announced by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadym Filashkin on Radio Liberty, UNN reports.

The defense forces are holding back the enemy and restraining it 100%. I want to give you some figures for 2023 alone. 146 guided aerial bombs. These are 250, 500 and 1000 KABs that the enemy dropped on the city of Avdiivka. And in 2024, in 2 weeks, there were already about 250 air strikes

- Vadym Filashkin said.


Over the past day, the enemy attacked both the front line and the frontline cities of Donetsk region 1148 times. According to Filashkin, in the new year of 2024, the intensity of enemy shelling of Avdiivka has increased several times.

Currently, 1131 people live in the settlement. The head of the RMA noted that people are gradually listening to the opinion of the military administrations regarding evacuation and are leaving. Thus, 78 people, including 9 children, have already been evacuated from the front line.


On January 14, it was reportedthat 5 attacks were repelled in the Avdiivka sector in the areas of Novobakhmutivka and Avdiivka itself.

ССО показали кадри знищення групи окупантів поблизу Авдіївки15.01.24, 09:31

Anna Onishchenko



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