
No casualties as a result of Russian missile attack on Kyiv - KCMA

 • 16017 переглядiв

There were no casualties or damage in Kyiv during the Russian missile attack on the capital with X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles, and all air targets were successfully destroyed by air defense forces.

No one was injured in Kyiv as a result of a missile strike this morning, and there were no damages. The enemy struck the capital using X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles, KCMA said, UNN reports

According to the KCMA, the enemy fired X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles from Tu-95MS strategic bombers during the attack on the capital. The air alert in the capital lasted more than three hours. The missiles came at  Kyiv from different directions, the KCMA said. 

Air defense forces and means destroyed all air targets in the capital area. 

"According to preliminary reports, there are no casualties or damage in the capital," KCMA said. 

In Kyiv region, no hits to residential or critical infrastructure were recorded as a result of enemy drones and missiles. However, debrisfell in 4 districts of the region, two people were injured.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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