
Mykolaiv region: SBU detains resident of Mykolaiv region who set up field kitchen for kadyrov's militants during occupation

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The Security Service of Ukraine exposed a collaborator who, during the battles for Mykolaiv and the occupation of part of the region, fed kadyrov's men and repaired their equipment. After the liberation of Mykolaiv region, the collaborator was hiding in Khmelnytskyi.

A collaborator who set up a field kitchen for kadyrov's men during the battles for Mykolaiv has been exposed. This was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The SBU CI exposed another collaborator who cooperated with russian troops during the occupation of part of Mykolaiv region.

The perpetrator was a resident of Novopetrivka village, Snihurivka district. During the seizure of the community, he set up a field kitchen for the "kadyrov's" groups that entered the village

- the statement said.

It was established that the accomplice arranged a "dining room" for the occupiers on the territory of his own household, and took food from his own farm. The collaborator also took food to the trenches, to the front lines of the russian regular troops.

 In addition, the man repaired military equipment of the "kadyrovites" who were on duty at checkpoints and looted private homes of local residents. Later, the invaders used the repaired vehicles to escape and take the stolen property to the territory of the aggressor country.

Російський дрон стежив за делегацією Анналени Бербок на Миколаївщині25.02.24, 23:40

After the village was liberated, the defendant moved to Khmelnytskyi as an IDP. In this way, he tried to "lay low" and avoid justice. However, SBU officers exposed the offender, established his place of temporary residence and arrested him.

The investigation is ongoing. The issue of serving him a notice of suspicion under Part 4 Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration) and choosing a measure of restraint in the form of detention is being decided. The offender faces up to 5 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Суд заарештував майно чотирьох херсонських колаборантів, які підтримували російську окупацію21.02.24, 23:12


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