
More than 55 thousand Ukrainians have already generated a veteran's certificate in "DII"

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More than 55,000 Ukrainians have already received electronic veteran ID cards in the Diya app a day after its launch, which allows them to use an electronic veteran ID card instead of a paper one.

During the day, Ukrainians have already generated more than 55 thousand e-certificates of a veteran in the Diya App . This was stated on the air of the telethon by Nadezhda Adamenko, director of the Department of digital development and transformation of the Ministry of Veterans ' Affairs of Ukraine, reports UNN.


Together with the Ministry of digital development, we have launched the most ambitious and expected project. From now on, more than 1 million Ukrainians have the opportunity to use an electronic veteran's ID card instead of and without the need to present the corresponding certificate in paper form, as well as an identity document. In just the first few hours, more than 55 thousand veteran E-Certificates were generated in the Diya app

-  said Nadezhda Adamenko.

Currently, specialists of the Ministry of veterans and the Ministry of Digital Development are working to correct technical errors that occur during the formation of an e-Certificate in action. 

Київ запустив портал для захисників та захисниць: які послуги доступні16.05.24, 05:55

We receive requests from citizens with the need to update their data. We have built an algorithm for how to do this, and we communicate with individuals in real time and correct some data in the Registry. The work continues, and we expect that within a month everyone will be able to generate a document without any problems

- explains Adamenko


It is noted that persons who have the following status can generate an electronic ID card in their smartphone: 

  • combatant 
  • a person with a disability due to war
  • war participant 
  • injured participant of the revolution of dignity  
  • family member of a deceased war veteran  
  • family member of the deceased defender and defender of Ukraine

You can use a veteran's Certificate in action to receive benefits and compensations provided for by current legislation.


On Wednesday, June 5, The Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov said that in The Diya application, it is now possible to generate a veteran's Certificate.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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