
Metropolitan of the UOC (MP) is served with a notice of suspicion of aiding and abetting Russia

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The Metropolitan of the UOC (MP) was notified in absentia of suspicion of aiding and abetting Russia because of his participation in a Kremlin event that approved the annexation of Ukrainian regions.

In Chernihiv region, the Metropolitan of one of the dioceses of the UOC (MP) was notified in absentia of suspicion of aiding the aggressor state. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office, UNN reports.


According to the investigation, on September 30, 2022, the clergyman was invited to a "solemn meeting" in the Kremlin hall in Moscow. During the "event", the so-called "agreements" on the accession of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions of Ukraine to the Russian Federation were signed.

The hierarch of the UOC (MP) in church clothes actually supported the illegal annexation of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the aggressor state by his presence.

The suspect also encouraged the faithful of the diocese to support Russia's illegal decisions and actions by his example.

Соратник Гройсмана виступив на захист московського патріархату11.01.24, 15:08

Anna Onishchenko

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