
Medical institutions of Kyiv region will receive 7 new MG4 Electric vehicles

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In the Kyiv region, primary healthcare institutions are receiving 7 new MG4 Electric cars to support their work. The keys to the cars have already been handed over to three institutions, and the rest will be delivered soon. This was announced by the head of the Kyiv RMA Ruslan Kravchenko in Telegram, UNN reports.


Together with Health Minister Viktor Liashko, they handed over the keys to three primary health care institutions in the region, and the rest will be handed over in the near future

- wrote Kravchenko.

According to him, the new cars will go to Irpin, Boryspil, Kalynivka, Bucha, Berezan, Gostomel and Boyarka.

Облаштують укриття, два спортивні корти, конференц-зал: Кравченко розповів деталі про нову школу, яку планують звести на Київщині15.05.24, 19:12

According to the head of the RMA, international partners helped to purchase the electric cars. They were purchased under the Global Fund Grant Agreement (Healthcare Enhancement and Life Saving (HEAL Ukraine) Project) between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Despite its compact size, the car is fast and mega-functional. I was convinced of this personally. I am sincerely glad that our primary care workers will be able to be even more mobile and provide even better services

- said Kravchenko.

Electric vehicles will help doctors provide palliative care at home, conduct newborn checkups, visit  sedentary patients, and transport vaccines. Doctors will also be able to reach patients in remote communities without any problems or loss of time and respond quickly to emergencies.

"Unimpeded access to quality healthcare for all residents of Kyiv region is something we must ensure despite the war. The challenges faced by the healthcare sector have forced us to partially reformat our work. But the quality and efficiency of medical care remain a priority," Kravchenko said. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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    Medical institutions of Kyiv region will receive 7 new MG4 Electric vehicles

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