
Latvia will not oppose the deployment of NATO ground forces in Ukraine - Ministry of Defense

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The Latvian Defense Ministry says it will not object to the deployment of Western ground forces in Ukraine to counter the russian invasion.

Latvia will not object to the deployment of Western ground troops in Ukraine, which has been attacked by russia. This is stated in the response of the Latvian Ministry of Defense to a request from the German press agency dpa, UNN reports.

Latvia continues to explore various ways to strengthen its support for Ukraine. If NATO allies agree to deploy troops to Ukraine, Latvia will consider participating in

- said a representative of the Latvian Ministry of Defense.

The ministry spokesman noted that Latvia has been providing military support since the beginning of the russian attack on Ukraine. According to him, this assistance includes not only the supply of weapons, but also training of Ukrainian soldiers in Latvia and with allies.

Earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron said that Western ground troops could be deployed to Ukraine, stating that there is currently no consensus on the official deployment of ground troops, but that nothing can be ruled out in the dynamics.

"Жодних солдатів на українській землі": Шольц відкинув міркування Макрона щодо можливості відправки військ в Україну27.02.24, 14:39

Anastasia Ryabokon



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