
Latvia officially bans its national teams from playing against russia and belarus

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The Latvian parliament has banned national teams from playing against russian and belarusian teams to demonstrate solidarity with Ukraine and prevent russia from legitimizing its war crimes through sports.

The Latvian Saeima has adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on Sports, which stipulate that the country's national teams will be banned from playing against the national teams of russia or belarus. This was reported by UNN with reference to the decision of the Seimas.


According to the document, Latvian athletes will not be able to play against the national teams of russia or belarus if they participate in competitions under their own flag or in a neutral status.

The law also stipulates that Latvia is prohibited from organizing competitions of national teams in playing sports (adult, youth and junior) in which the national teams of russia or belarus participate under their own flag or in a neutral status.

Німеччина підтримує відсторонення російських та білоруських атлетів від Олімпіади27.01.24, 12:13


The annotation to the draft law also states that "in russian foreign policy, sport is used to build relations with other countries. 

It is noted that the main purpose of the amendments to the law is "to emphasize Latvia's solidarity with Ukraine and to fundamentally block any attempts by russia to legitimize its war crimes through sports.


Last winter, the European Gymnastics Federation rejected a proposal to allow russian and belarusian athletes to return to competition, despite the International Federation's decision.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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