
Kyiv introduces quarantine to combat ragweed

 • 17020 переглядiв

Kyiv has been quarantined to combat ragweed. The authorities are implementing a set of measures to eradicate and prevent the spread of this allergenic plant throughout the city.

Measures aimed at combating ragweed have been stepped up in the capital - quarantine has been introduced . This was reported by the Department of Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation of KCSA, UNN reports


Following the submission of the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Kyiv on the detection of a quarantine organism - ragweed - quarantine is introduced in the capital 

- KCSA said. 

The quarantine reportedly applies to the entire territory of the capital. It provides for a set of measures to eliminate ragweed foci and its further spread. In particular, it includes:

  • destruction of the plant by pulling and burning, and in case of severe infestation - mowing or pulling out by the roots;
  • creation of phytocoenoses of perennial grasses capable of suppressing ragweed;
  • use of chemical control agents.

The KCSA emphasized that only herbicides that are officially authorized in Ukraine are to be used when applying chemicals.

На Київщині локалізували велику природну пожежу: ДСНС прозвітувало про радіаційний фон у нормі04.09.24, 12:24

It was also reminded that on the eve of ragweed flowering, the city began treating the areas where ragweed was found with a special preparation based on the natural mineral bischofite. After its action, the ragweed withers, its pollen becomes sterile, i.e. does not cause allergies. Also, the areas where ragweed was found were mowed, and in small areas, the plant was pulled out by the root.

The quarantine is introduced by the relevant order of the KCMA.

For reference

Ragweed is an annual plant that can reach a height of up to 2 meters. It has distinctive dissected leaves and small greenish flowers that form spike-shaped inflorescences. Ragweed reproduces by seeds, which can remain viable in the soil for 5 to 40 years. One ragweed plant can produce up to 50 thousand seeds in one season. The seeds are spread by wind, water, animals and people (on vehicles, shoes, etc.).

В Україні затвердили правила перевезення медичного канабісу03.09.24, 17:07

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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