
Kyiv calls on the U.S. to provide Ukraine with everything it needs to defend itself if it is not invited to NATO

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Zelenskyy calls on the United States to provide Ukraine with everything it needs for self-defense, including Patriot fighter jets, F-16s, and weapons, if Ukraine is not already invited to join NATO.

The White House is not ready to invite Ukraine to join NATO. Therefore, Kyiv is calling on the United States to provide  Ukraine with everything for protection and specifics. This was stated  in an interview  by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Trudy Rubin, a columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, an UNN correspondent reports. 

I am emphasizing what some of our partners in the United States and Europe are afraid of - Ukraine's membership in NATO. The security alliance with NATO is not only for Ukraine. To be honest, it is security for Russia as well.  We understand that the White House is not ready to give us an invitation. They say it openly, President Biden says it, and Trump says that if it were not for NATO, the war might not have started. We hear both opinions of the two parties, and this suggests that no one sees Ukraine in NATO today

- Zelensky said. 

Zelenskyy called on the United States to provide  Ukraine with everything to protect it, if Kyiv is not currently invited to join the Alliance.

So if there is no invitation to NATO for us today, we ask for specifics. If America is afraid to irritate Putin, and that is why we are not invited, then we ask our strategic partners, the United States, to give us as much as possible to protect us. We are asking for Patriot, we are asking for enough F-16s, we are asking for the ability to use weapons to defend ourselves. If NATO is not yet ready to protect us and take us into its alliance, then we ask to give us everything to be able to protect ourselves

- Zelensky said. 


Bloomberg reported that some NATO allies are not agreeing to make specific multi-year commitments to military aid spending for Ukraine, which are aimed at giving Kyiv more predictability in the long term.

Anna Murashko



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