
It's hard to call it a priority for a country at war - MP on the initiative of some colleagues to rename Brovary to Brovari

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MP Heorhiy Mazurashu believes that changing the name of Brovary to Brovari is not a priority during the war. He emphasizes that the opinion of the city's residents should play a decisive role in this matter.

The initiative of a group of Verkhovna Rada deputies to change the name of the city of Brovary to Brovari can hardly be called a priority for a country that has been repelling full-scale Russian aggression for three years. This opinion was voiced by MP from the "Servant of the People" Georgiy Mazurashu in a commentary to UNN.

The MP is convinced that the opinion of the residents of Brovary should play a decisive role in the renaming issue. And it cannot be the prerogative of people who are in no way connected with this city.

"I have only rented a house in Brovary for a couple of years, so I probably don't have the moral right to participate in solving this issue together with the city's residents.

In my opinion, the position of the majority of Brovary residents should have played a decisive role. There are opportunities to officially poll people. And if the majority of people would be in favor of renaming, then it's a different matter.

Purely by ear, I think Brovari is perceived worse than Brovary.

As for whether it is time to do this now, it is definitely not a priority in a country at war,"  Mazurashu said.

Радянщина з іншим політичним забарвленням – політолог про наміри деяких нардепів перейменувати Бровари29.07.24, 14:32


A group of MPs led by a representative of the Golos faction, Roman Lozynsky, registered a resolution to rename Brovary to Brovari.

At an extraordinary session, members of the Brovary City Council almost unanimously adopted an appeal to the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk with a request not to submit a draft resolution to rename Brovary to Brovari.

According to the mayor of Brovary, Ihor Sapozhko, there are three conclusions of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine that the name "Brovary" is historical and should be preserved.


Residents of Brovary and experts are of the opinionthat a possible renaming to Brovari is questionable in terms of expediency, as it has nothing to do with decommunization. And, most importantly, changing the name of the city will entail additional financial costs, and these funds would be better spent on the Armed Forces.


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