
Italy has joined the supply of Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine - British Defense Minister

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Italy, along with the United Kingdom and France, has provided Ukraine with Storm Shadow cruise missiles, an important weapon that could have a significant impact, British Defense Minister Grant Shapps said.

Italy was one of the countries that provided Ukraine  with Storm Shadow cruise missiles. This was stated  by British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, UNN reports with reference to The Times. 

I do believe that Storm Shadow is an extraordinary weapon. The UK, France and Italy are deploying these weapons for use in Crimea in particular. This weapon has a very significant impact

- said Shapps.

According to the publication, the delivery of the Storm Shadow by Britain, France and Italy  is also  a direct signal to Germany, which refuses to supply its Taurus cruise missiles, which have similar specifications to the Storm Shadow, to Ukraine amid concerns about logistics and further escalation.

Schapps is convinced that Germany should transfer the Taurus to Kyiv.

"France, the UK and Italy have demonstrated that Taurus, Storm Shadow or Scalp are devastatingly effective. They are available in limited quantities and there are a lot of them in Germany. So yes, they should definitely be delivered. They could make a big difference," Shapps said. 

"Мої відповіді чіткі": Шольц прокоментував ідею обміну Taurus на Storm Shadow12.03.24, 12:59


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