
Israel predicts another 7 months of war in Gaza to destroy Hamas-CNN

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Hanegbi, head of Israel's National Security Council, has predicted that it will take another 7 months of fighting to achieve the goal of destroying the Hamsa in Gaza.

Israel predicts another 7 months of war in Gaza. This is reported by CNN, reports UNN.


To achieve the stated goal of destroying Hamas, the head of Israel's National Security Council, Tsahi Hanegbi, said on Wednesday that the country expects "another seven months of fighting" in Gaza.

In the early days of presenting the Cabinet's plans, it was honestly stated that the war would be long

- highlighted by Tsakhi Hanegbi.

Байден не вважає дії Ізраїлю в секторі Газа геноцидом21.05.24, 05:00


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