
International Mother Language Day, World Kombucha Day. What else can be celebrated on February 21

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Today is the International Mother Language Day, established in 1999 by UNESCO to preserve languages and cultural heritage, as scientists estimate that 43% of existing languages are endangered.

Today, February 21, is the International Mother Language Day. The event was launched in 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO, UNN writes.

Today, there are about seven thousand different languages in the world, two thousand of which are common in Asia. The largest groups of languages are Indo-European and Semitic.

About two-thirds of the world's population speaks only 12 languages. More than two billion people on Earth speak three languages: Chinese, Spanish, and English.

Any ethnic community has always been distinguished from others by its special language. The native language is a carrier of values and knowledge that are passed down from generation to generation as an intangible cultural heritage.

Scientists estimate that 43% of languages are currently at risk of complete extinction. About 500 languages in the world have only a few speakers, and some of them only one. It is believed that one language disappears every two weeks on Earth.

Also today, everyone can join the celebration of World Kombucha Day.

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. It is believed that kombucha appeared in 221 BC during the Qin Dynasty in China.

According to legend, Emperor Qin Shi Huang was searching for the elixir of life, and one of his options was the tea mushroom.

The purpose of today's event is to spread information about the culture of kombucha consumption and to show its benefits for human health.

Since 1990, February 21 has been the World Guide Day. The event was initiated by the International Federation of Tourist Guide Associations.

The profession of a guide is not as simple as it seems at first glance. A guide must be able to use historical materials and archival data, have good public speaking skills, and be able to engage the audience.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Timothy.

From a young age, Timothy decided to devote his life to serving the Lord. He was a student of Plato of Studium. For many years he lived as a hermit in the desert.

For his humility and rejection of worldly temptations, Timothy received from the Lord the gift of healing and miracles.

On February 21, Timothy, Yuri, George, and Zakhar celebrate their name days.


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