
In the occupied territories, russians are driving the military to the presidential elections in russia - National Resistance Center

 • 31908 переглядiв

The occupiers are artificially increasing the turnout in the temporarily occupied territories by forcing the russian Armed Forces personnel to vote. This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN writes.


The resistance explains that in this way the russians want to demonstrate that the locals allegedly support Moscow.

The main task of the "presidential elections" in the TOT is not to elect Vladimir Putin as president, because elections in Russia are not a tool for changing the government, but to have a "high turnout" that should allegedly indicate support for the occupation from local

- summarized in the CNS,

It is noted that in order to increase the number of people who voted, the Russians organized "elections" in their occupation units located in the TOT.

Приготування до "виборів": на ТОТ рф посилює репресії29.02.24, 04:49

The deputy policemen are responsible for the attendance.

The occupation forces have until March 15 to complete the voting, and their ballots will be the basis for falsifying the turnout.


The European Union will not recognize the presidential elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine as a violation of international law

На окупованих територіях загарбники роздали план явки на "вибори" – ЦНС28.02.24, 05:16

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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