
In Poland, a Russian and a Belarusian were sentenced to four years in prison for spying for Russia

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The District Court of the Polish city of Bialystok sentenced a Russian and a Belarusian to four years in prison each for espionage in favor of Russia, which consisted of collecting military information and passing it to Russian intelligence from 2017 to 2022.

A district court in the Polish city of Bialystok has sentenced a Russian and a Belarusian to four years in prison on charges of spying for Russia. For several years, they had been collecting important information, including information about the Polish military, which they passed on to Russian intelligence. This was reported by Polish Radio, according to UNN.


The charges relate to the activities of these individuals in 2017-2022. During this period, they were supposed to accumulate information about Polish military units, their equipment, their missions near the border with Belarus, as well as cooperation with the troops of other NATO countries, and pass it on to Russian military intelligence.

Special services of the Republic of Poland established that the men had been legally staying in Poland for many years. In particular, the Belarusian studied in Bialystok and worked in an organization that provided parachute training. The Russian was engaged in cultural and tourist activities.


The Russian and Belarusian citizens were detained in Poland in April 2022. Both were charged with committing a crime under Article 130 of the Polish Criminal Code (espionage). They are still in custody.

Then the prosecutor filed a motion for a closed hearing, citing important state interests, as well as private interests of the witnesses, including many military personnel.


On July 10 last year, officers of the Polish Internal Security Agency detained another member of a spy network working for Russian intelligence.


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