
In Kyiv two men attacked a gas station worker at night after refusing to sell alcohol - police

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An employee of a gas station in Kyiv's Podil district was attacked at night after refusing to sell alcohol, and two men were notified of suspicion, the Main Department of the National Police in the capital reported on social media on Thursday, UNN reports.

The offenders, aged 21 and 24, came to a gas station store at night and demanded that an employee sell them alcohol. When the latter refused, the offenders went outside and during a sudden conflict attacked another employee, beat him and smashed his cell phone

- the police said.


The incident took place last weekend in the Podil district of Kyiv. According to the report, at about 2 a.m., two young men came to the gas station store and demanded that the employee sell them alcohol. The woman refused them, and the latter started a conflict and went outside, where they saw another employee, a 45-year-old man.

"The defendants attacked the victim and began kicking him and hitting him with a metal stick, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. During the fall, his cell phone fell out of the gas station attendant's pocket, which the attackers broke with their foot and threw at the victim. As a result of the beating, the man suffered a closed head injury and a concussion," the police said.

The police, as indicated, tracked down the attackers and brought them to the police department.

"The offenders were two local residents aged 21 and 24," the police said.

The defendants were served a notice of suspicion of committing a crime under Part 4 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - violation of public order on the grounds of manifest disrespect for society, accompanied by particular audacity, committed by a group of persons, using an object prepared in advance to inflict bodily harm. The men face up to seven years in prison.

Вбивство чоловіка на АЗС: стрілок не може пояснити мотиви, ймовірно перебуває під дією невідомих препаратів18.09.24, 21:14


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