
Ignoring the convention on the Prohibition of chemical weapons, Russia is more likely to use a new type of grenade with toxic substances

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Since 2022, 626 cases of chemical attacks against Ukrainian defenders carried out by Russia have been known. Thus, the Russian Federation lied about fulfilling its obligations under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. Currently, the Russian Armed Forces are using a new development of RG-Vo gas grenades using chloroacetophenone.

Попередній перегляд УН із запрошенням на брифінг у військовому медіа-центрі.


According to information provided by captain Andrey Rudik from the Center for research on captured and advanced weapons, Russia is increasing the use of gas grenades that contain prohibited deadly substances.

In December 2023 alone, 81 cases of the use of RG-B gas grenades containing chloroacetophenone were recorded. According to the center's specialist, the detection of cases of chloroacetophenone use may be proof that the Russian Federation is checking the reaction of the international community to outright lies about compliance with the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.

The development of new RG-Vo gas grenades using chloroacetophenone may indirectly indicate that Russia lied in 2017 about fulfilling its obligations under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. The beginning of the use of chloroacetophenone in the presence of chlorobenzalmalonodinitrile may indicate a probing reaction of the world community. We do not rule out that the Russian Federation may resort to the use of chemical warfare agents expressly prohibited by the 1993 Convention in the future

- inform in the Center for research of captured and advanced weapons and military equipment

It is known that since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, Russian terrorists have used chemical weapons in Ukraine 626 times .   


The Russian military may have plans to use the chemical chlorpicrin against the Ukrainian military on the Left Bank of the Kherson region. This is written by investigators of Umschsfeshschtyushtashch with reference to sources in the intelligence service.

Ihor Telezhnikov



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