
If the conditions of the Polish strikers are not met, they may return to blockading the border with Ukraine in the spring

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Polish protesters say that if the authorities do not fulfill their conditions by March 1, they will return to the blockade of the Polish-Ukrainian border. This was reported  by BBC, UNN wrote.


"If a solution cannot be found, we will return to the border," said protest leader Rafal Meckler, "This is not a surrender, but a strategic pause.

Meckler also confirmed that the blockade will be lifted only until March 1, as the situation will depend on agreements with the government.


Polish carriers, who have been blocking some checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border since November, have reached an agreement with the government on "certain conditions" and will suspend their protest on Wednesday at 11:00 GMT (13:00 Kyiv time). 

Уряд Румунії досяг угоди з протестуючими фермерами, які блокували кордон з Україною - ЗМІ16.01.24, 12:00

Anna Onishchenko



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