
I don't see us being "pushed" anywhere: Zelenskyy on his inclination to negotiate with russia

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President Zelenskiy said he does not see Western countries pushing Ukraine to negotiate with russia, but acknowledged that some leaders would like to do so.

President Volodymyr  Zelenskyy has said that he does not see Western countries "pushing" Ukraine to negotiate with russia. But there are definitely leaders who would like to "push". He said this during a press conference, a correspondent of UNN reports.

There was a meeting of the leaders of the NATO-Ukraine Council, and 99% of the countries there are completely on our side. At least that's how it sounds. They really want to help... I think they really want to, but institutionally it is very difficult. It takes a very long time from what they want to do to the result, and sometimes this time affects the spirit, affects the tactics, affects what you have on the battlefield. During this time, for example, you lost heights when the military controlled some territory, moved back somewhere, etc

- Zelensky said.

He also noted that, unfortunately, russia is working very hard, disinforming, influencing, bribing, etc.

I don't see us being "pushed" anywhere. Of course, there are leaders who would like to "push" us, of course, today they are afraid of political responsibility, if they do this out loud, their societies may not support them, and some may be "demolished", where, for example, there is very strong support for Ukraine within a particular state. Of course, there are coalition governments, and you reach an agreement, for example, with the leader and he supports you, and then there is a minister from another party that is against Ukraine and he blocks you

- Zelensky said.


In a letter to EU leaders, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claims that russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi expect peace talks between russia and Ukraine to take place by the end of the year.

Після візитів до росії та Китаю Орбан надав ЄС власний "мирний план" щодо війни в Україні15.07.24, 14:18


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