
How to make exercise a habit: listed 6 tips

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Once you've started exercising and have found a time and place to work out, the question may arise as to how to make exercise a habit. In an article by American Council on Exercise president and chief scientist Cedric X. Bryant for US News names some strategies that can be used, writes UNN.

1. Start with small steps and do something you enjoy.

A successful physical activity program, as indicated, must fit into your daily schedule and be realistic. Self-awareness is essential for habit formation. It is advised to take the time to think realistically about when you are likely to go to the gym on a regular basis and what kind of workouts are right for you. Enjoying exercise is also noted to be a key element for long-term commitment, so your program should be something you look forward to every day and are good at. Exercise should be an escape from daily stress, not an added stressor.

2. prioritize regular physical activity.

To make physical activity a priority, it is advised to schedule time in your calendar. Putting exercise on the calendar gives it importance and consistency, just like a doctor's appointment or a work assignment.

3. Join a group or find a partner.

Connecting with an exercise partner, participating in group fitness classes are cited as great ways to make it more fun. Moreover, studies show that social support can increase optimism and self-esteem, reduce stress and symptoms of depression, and make you more likely to stick with a program. Having social support through a team sport or workout partner can add accountability to your participation, which can help you get to the gym on days when your motivation wanes.

4. Set reasonable goals and track your progress.

Setting both short-term and long-term goals, as indicated, can help to make consistent progress. People tend to focus on long-term, outcome-oriented goals related to weight loss or athletic performance, but it is noted to be important to have short-term, process-oriented goals as well. For example, a process-oriented goal might be, "I will attend a group fitness class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week this month." This way, you will have something measurable and attainable that you can achieve on a regular basis. These small starting goals can help keep you motivated and are easier to track. Keep a diary or download an activity-tracking app to help you know if you're reaching these goals, the article advises.

5. Align your plan with your values.

You may have a goal to lose a certain amount of weight, but it's important to understand why it's important to you, the article notes. This is often referred to as "finding a reason." Any reason for exercising is valid, as stated, and knowing why exercise is important to you can keep you motivated.

6. Finally, keep a positive attitude and be patient.

Developing an exercise habit, it is noted, takes time and consistent effort, as well as patience and favor with oneself. It is pointed out that if one focuses too much on perfection, setting a goal such as "I will go to the gym every day after work" without any flexibility, one can doom oneself to frequent "failure." Instead, the advice is to set that goal, but recognize that sometimes there is something that can get in the way. Realizing that there will be setbacks along the road to fitness is vital to long-term success, so keep a positive attitude and be kind to yourself every step of the way, the article advises.

Fighting fatigue: experts gave six tips19.01.2024, 06:00 • [views_62667]

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Julia Shramko



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