
Healthy food day, Pest Control Day, International Day of prostitutes. What else can you celebrate on June 2

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Today, on the second of June, various events are held in many countries of the world on the occasion of the day of healthy eating and avoiding excesses in food, writes UNN.

The problem of overeating is quite serious and affects many people, because consuming large amounts of quickly digested carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and obesity. And these conditions significantly increase the risk of various diseases.

Overeating causes the stomach to expand to adapt to a large amount of food and begins to put pressure on other organs, which causes a feeling of discomfort.

A large amount of food in the stomach causes the human organs to work more intensively. Additional hormones and enzymes are released. To break down food, the stomach releases hydrochloric acid. Due to overeating, it can return to the esophagus and cause heartburn.

A related event is the World Day against eating disorders, which aims to provide medical and psychological support to people suffering from bulimia, anorexia, and overeating attacks.

In developed countries, anorexia is diagnosed in 4% and bulimia in 2% of the population at a particular time, while psychogenic overeating affects 2% of women.

Also Today, events are being held on the occasion of World pest control day.

Every year, more than a million people die from diseases caused by pests worldwide. More than a billion people live in areas with an increased risk of infection with pathogens that are transmitted from pests. These include not only rodents and insects. These are also plants, hedgehogs, pigeons.

The second of June is the International Day of prostitutes. It was on this day in 1975 in the French city of Lyon that about 100 local sex workers occupied the Church of Saint-Nizier. They did this in protest against the criminalization of their activities, exploitation and harassment by the police.

On June 10, police cleared the Church of protesters, sparking a national movement in France in support of all female sex workers, which later spread around the world.

In Ukraine, local industry workers, land reclamation workers and water management workers celebrate their professional holidays today.

On the first Sunday of June, many countries celebrate the International Day of people who have overcome cancer. The event was launched in the United States to encourage people to get tested for cancer. After all, cancer detected in the early stages and its timely treatment significantly increase the chances of a full recovery.

Also today is World Day against Verneuil's disease - a little-known skin disease in most patients is diagnosed already in the chronic stage of development.

In Verneuil's disease, fistulas, reverse acne, inflamed nodes and abscesses form on the skin, mainly under the armpits, in the chest and groin area.

Verneuil's disease affects about 1% of our planet.

According to the church calendar, today is the Memorial Day of St. Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople.

Nicephorus was a strong opponent of the iconoclasts. For this, the Emperor Leo sent him into exile, the patriarch died.

Name days on the second of June are celebrated by Nikifor, Ivan, Konstantin, Ulyana, Maria, Elena.


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