
Groysman's associate accused of hiding humanitarian aid in school gym: details

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Svitlana Kutsa, a lyceum director and city council member who is an ally of Groysman, is accused of storing humanitarian aid intended for displaced people in a school gym for political gain.

Svitlana Kutsa, the director of Lyceum No. 10 in Vinnytsia and a member of the Vinnytsia City Council from Groysman's Ukrainian Strategy, is accused of deliberately storing a large batch of humanitarian aid in the school's gym, which for some reason is not being distributed to anyone. Groysman's associate denies all accusations and has her own version of events. The details of the scandal with the humanitarian were revealed by the local edition "We are Vinnytsia", UNN writes.


According to the newspaper, local civic activist Andriy Gaidai claims that a large batch of humanitarian aid has been stored in the gym of Lyceum No. 10 for two years, which was supposed to be distributed to internally displaced persons. In particular, he found boxes of diapers, soap, shampoo, children's clothing, etc. in the gym.

According to the activist, because of this makeshift warehouse, students are forced to practice physical education in a small, uncomfortable gym.

Gaidai claims that Svitlana Kutsa is the godmother of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine, hints that humanitarian aid is being "hidden"  to distribute it at the right time before the elections, and claims that after he publicly revealed this story, he was put under pressure.

Пробити дно: "майстер-клас" із цинічного піару на дітях наших захисників від так званого "гуманітарного штабу" Гройсмана11.03.24, 10:40

Svitlana Kutsa has her own version of events.  She claims that the lyceum keeps a reserve stock of humanitarian aid from the International Organization for Migration for the Points of No Return.

Kutsa also accuses the activist of having revealed the number of the educational institution, allegedly making the location of the warehouse known to the enemy and endangering all participants in the educational process, and therefore law enforcement agencies should deal with him.


The former prime minister and his associates in the Ukrainian Strategy of Groysman party use the headquarters exclusively for their own PR. In particular, in October last year, a scandal erupted when Groysman loudly publicized the transfer of five off-road vehicles catching "shahed" and more than 200 drones to the Armed Forces. And it quickly became clear that the SUVs and drones were purchased by the city council for budget funds.

At the same time, the Vinnytsia City Council sees nothing wrong with an outside politician taking credit for helping the Ukrainian armed forces at the expense of ordinary Vinnytsia residents.

And they even admit that, in particular, the food packages for Vinnytsia residents, which the so-called "humanitarian headquarters" of former Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman recently actively promoted, were actually purchased with budget funds.

Контролює чи замітає сліди: соратник Гройсмана "несподівано" вирішив поцікавитися, як будує укриття фірма з неоднозначною репутацією08.03.24, 17:00


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Groysman's associate accused of hiding humanitarian aid in school gym: details

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